Author Archives: tejvan
Off to Wetherby Races
If you are thinking of a drink on the way to or from the races, jump too it. Bear in mind that you need to be well shod at the Three Horseshoes on the Horsefair at Boroughbridge (below). The Wetherby … Continue reading
Original Boundaries of Yorkshire
Association of British Counties Map of Yorkshire. Published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 UK On a map of Yorkshire from the Domesday book the ‘county’ was a significantly larger region taking in parts of Cumberland Westmoreland and Lancashire. Yorkshire … Continue reading
Jump on a Yorkshire Bus
Pictures of some older Yorkshire buses run by Yorkshire bus companies have been preserved by Ingy the Wingy and others for us to enjoy. Even more important is the buses themselves are being preserved! Others are still in service. Use … Continue reading
Bluebells of Yorkshire
In your garden bluebells are fine in April and May and disappear underground for 8 months of the year. However the leaves can be a soggy mess for one month after flowering. If you want tips on how to keep … Continue reading
Yorkshire’s Richest People
Five years ago we commented on the then wealth generated by various people of Yorkshire 1st Eddie and Malcolm Healey. Combined weatlh of £1.5 billion (UK – 42nd) Eddie Healey was the developers of the Meadowhall shopping centre, in Sheffield. … Continue reading
Air Ambulances of Yorkshire
Overhead Chopper at Leeds-Bradford Airport ‘The Leeds-Bradford airspace seemed to be full of budding pilots on the afternoon when I passed by. This helicopter was on a training session run by private aviation company Multiflight, a business which is based … Continue reading
Best Yorkshire Falconry Sites
The best Yorkshire falconry locations for demonstration, education and sport include the following: Falconry UK This birds of prey and conservation centre is in Thirsk North Yorkshire near the Busby Stoop pub. 70 birds from 30 species including eagles, falcons, … Continue reading
Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) in Yorkshire
RHS Britain In Bloom The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) organise and judge the annual Britain in Bloom competition. Over 2000 communities and 13,000 schools take part in various levels of the competition from small villages to large towns and cities. … Continue reading
Yorkshire’s Best Beers
If you are an unrepentant beer drinker you will already know a lot about Yorkshire’s best beers. It is a well known fact that to a Yorkshireman a good brew comes from God’s Own County. Best Beers in Yorkshire The … Continue reading
Ferns on Moors and Coast
The lower slopes of the Yorkshire moors can be thickly covered with bracken (one of many ferns). Despite some belief to the contrary it has been shown that any increase is slow but it is still an invasive species. Gone … Continue reading