Category Archives: activities
Gulf of Yorkshire
We are proud to announce that the bureucratic, woke term the North Sea has been replaced with its true heritage – “The Gulf of Yorkshire.” The Gulf of Yorkshire is just the start. Yorkshire also of course, have a strong … Continue reading
Ampleforth the Scandal Continues
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse the long running investigation into the sexual abuse and exploitation of children in residential schools still continues through November 2020. An earlier report by (IICSA) said the school at Ampleforth was ‘secretive, evasive … Continue reading
Club Roots of Yorkshire Bonsai
Yorkshire folk can be quite clubable and this is shown in their passions and hobbies. One of my examples facilitated beer drinking and snooker playing in my younger days when I was a member of a Liberal club, Conservative club … Continue reading
Happy Yorkshire Day 2020
1st August 2020 could be renamed locked down ‘West Riding Day’ where you can’t even meet in your own garden. During the first lockdown we missed 2 funerals, our golden wedding cruise and our grandsons 4th birthday. Just when we … Continue reading
Ghost Hunting in Yorkshire
As you would expect Yorkshire has more than it’s fair share of ghouls, ghosts and things that go bump in the night. Numerous event organisations will help the hunting of the paranormal but there is more fun by ghost hunting … Continue reading
Off The Wall
Who would have thought fire cement could have 101 uses? I was certainly sceptical until I came across a booklet published by the Pyruma people at Sankey’s in the 1950’s. They claim it was ‘Ideal for making – Model Railway … Continue reading
Why Walk the Yorkshire Way
In these corvid times Yorkshire folk have been given permission by the government nay, encouragement to walk (once a day keeping your distance etc). Walking is free, simple and health enhancing and in Yorkshire what is not to like? Old … Continue reading
Will They Reopen When They Think it’s All Over
Snooker and pool Cue re-tippers formerly or currently in Shipley Uncomfortable shopping trolleys used as Pontefract Taxis. They are the only transport to be allowed to park ‘at any time’ In Leeds Harlie’s isn’t currently accepting orders but will it … Continue reading
Menston Garden Conifers
In addition to Gods Own County I also maintain a gardeners tips web site with over 2000 pages of photos, tips and quirk posts. One of my recent pages … Continue reading
In the Olden Days – Pre Covid 19
Bradford buses used to be blue and people used them. Now they are rainbow of colours and virtually no one uses them for pleasure. With nothing to do with our time we are home cleaning and recycling like mad. This … Continue reading