Walk Your Dog in the Dales

Book Cover

After a long walk my favourite dog is a large Bordeaux Collie. It makes a change from ‘Hair of the Dog’ brew dog beer and Laika,  a fine Russian Imperial Stout named after the first dog to orbit the earth.

We get rolling stones at Brimham rocks and on the East Coast, both great places to take your dog for a walk. Perhaps when you are out walking you already chant like Mick Jagger…………….

‘Baby back, dressed in black
Silver buttons all down her back
High hose, tippy toes
She broke the needle and she can sew

Walking the dog
I’m just a walking the dog
If you don’t know how to do it I’ll show you how to walk the dog
C’mon now c’mon’

Her Master’s Walks in Wharfedale by Stephen I. Robinson is one of a series of books on Swaledale, Wensleydale, the Hambleton Hills and Wharfedale.

For other ideas on where to walk your dog read one of Rob Godfrey’s Dog Walker’s Guides. There are books on walks with dogs in Debyshire, The Peak District, Lancashire and of course Yorkshire.

Book Cover

Yorkshire Dales: A Dog Walker’s Guide by Rob Godfrey is one of our top ten Yorkshire travel guides
‘Take your dog walking through the wonderful Yorkshire Dales without worry with this new book. The circular routes, which vary in length, will let you and your dog explore the Yorkshire Dales knowing you have all the information to hand on distance, terrain, number of stiles and in an emergency the nearest veterinary surgery.’

Yorkshire Dales Dog Walk Contacts

dogwalksyorkshire.com is your guide to dog-friendly walking in the Yorkshire countryside.
Leaflet on Walking with Dogs on the North Yorkshire Moors pdf
Her Masters Walks has 8 dog friendly walks available via pdfs.

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Drop In To A Yorkshire Cafe

shipley 006

The catchy upper windows at this cafe caught my attention in Idle.  The steamy windows hinted at a warm welcome to augment the smiley faces. It was then that the name sank in and I thought a drop of tea would be what I got if I wasn’t careful.

I played cricket for Idle Congs in the 1960’s and was having a nostalgia walk to see how the village had changed – not much although some licensed premises were shuttered and closed, only temporarily I hope. Over 50 years ago I probably thought I was a good fielder and claimed many catches to my name but perhaps I was not so good more like my batting and bowling. Still I don’t remember being called butter-fingers all that often.

I was interested in the derivation of the name Butterfingers and extrated this note from a larger item on the subject at http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/butterfingers.html

Before Charles Dickens used the phrase in Pickwick Paper there was a reference to ‘butter-fingers’ in the Yorkshire newspaper The Leeds Intelligencer dated May 1823.

‘The English Housewife. Delving again, I found that the book, written by the English writer Gervase Markham in 1615, scarce as it may have been in 1823, is still available today. Markham’s recipe for a good housewife was:

‘First, she must be cleanly in body and garments; she must have a quick eye, a curious nose, a perfect taste, and ready ear; she must not be butter-fingered, sweet-toothed, nor faint-hearted – for the first will let everything fall; the second will consume what it should increase; and the last will lose time with too much niceness.’

T pot

Here’s the tea pot short and stout

Here’s my handle here’s my spout

pick it up and ooops – butterfingers

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Sunset at Hawksworth Fishery

Lake twilight

Hawksworth on the edge of Rombalds Moor has a small private fishing lake that looks inviting in the evening sunshine. Another area near Leeds is called Hawksworth and there is this walk around Horsforth incorporating Hawksworth Wood.
A couple of farms have early lights on in the distance.

Free energy - tomorrow

A view west from the same spot in Hawksworth shows a solitary pylon. Let us hope we do not see a row of wind farm monsters next time we look over this view.


The Odda at Hawksworth is near the Equestrian centre and they publish this ride/walk. Pick a better day for weather as these grey skies teemed with rain later on.

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Credit Crunch for Retail – Huddersfield

Mary Portas is called the Queen of Shops and publishes books and a newspaper column in the Daily Telegraph. For some reason she chose to take a side swipe at Huddersfield in her ‘Shop’ column. She said  ‘ New Street in Huddersfield epitomises my greatest fear for the British high street. there’s a Lidl, a Primark, Wilkinsons, a handful of frozen food shop, jewellery and homeware shops, a few vacant premises, plus Poundland and Poundworld. It felt desolate and desperate.’ Nah then lass that’s  great praise from a snooty, elitist fashionista from Watford.

I know Mary is retailer specific not location centric but some recognition of the other retailers in Huddersfield seems appropriate. The Kingsgate Centre, the main shopping mall in the city is home to more than thirty stores and half a dozen cafes and bars. It was very busy three weeks ago when I took a train trip to Huddersfield and went home ladened with books. Close by is The Packhorse Centre, comprising a dozen budget jewellery, clothes and gift stores. The Byram Arcade is a shopping and office complex, with units currently occupied by creative businesses, independent publishers and music, gift and art stores.

Huddersfield Queensgate Market Hall, listed for its ornate roof design, is a huge indoor market, trading in clothes, food, electricals and more, with a cafe and hairdressers on site. There is also a thriving open market and specialist markets throughout the year despite the eponymous Tescos near by.



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Ten Top North Riding Churches

Easby Church St Agatha in the precinct of the Abbey is an early English church with a long low slate roof. The remarkable porch leads to fine wall paintings and decorations surviving from the 13th century.

Pickering St Peter and St Paul is said to be over restored but contains material from all periods of medieval architecture. The beautiful soaring spire of St Peter and St Paul’s leads the way to this magnificent church which is otherwise hidden by the cluster of cottages and shops that nestle around it. The murals are quite a treasure.

St Michael Coxwold has an octagonal tower and relics from each century from the 15th century glass to the 20th century south window. Read more

Thirsk’s St. Mary’s Church was built between 1420 and 1480 and is a magnificent mediaeval perpendicular building. Often called the cathedral of North Yorkshire because of its outstanding Perpendicular Gothic architecture. A two storeyed porch, very fine roof, 17th century murals and tracerier doors are worth exploring.

St Gregory is well sited in Kirkdale, a church from the 13th century whilst the sun dial’s Old English inscriptions tell us that St Gregory’s was bought by Orm Gamelson when it was in ruins and he had it rebuilt during the period when Tostig was Earl of Northumbria, 1055-1065.

Lastingham St Mary’s was founded c.654 as a Celtic monastery by St Cedd of Lindisfarne, as a place of prayer and hospitality. The crypt is dated from 1078 and the days of a Benedictine monastery. More details on the shrine of St Cedd

Wensley’s Holy Trinity church dates from the mid C13 and was built on the foundations of an earlier C8 Saxon church. It consists of an aisled nave with north and south porches, chancel, vestry and three-stage west tower. The church contains a number of furnishings brought from Easby Abbey after the dissolution, including a screen forming the Scrope family pew, choir pews and a reliquary. Set in a beautiful rural location in the small village of Wensley, with a large churchyard on the north bank of the river Ure it is a focal point for visitors.

St Mary Whitby is the parish church of this fishing village and seaside town. ‘St. Mary’s is a delightful hodge-podge of many eras. The oldest parts, primarily the tower and basic structure, are Norman and date from around 1110.’ It can be explored after a climb up 199 steps from the town and is located with the Abbey.
‘The church has never been entirely stripped or rebuilt, but various extensions, modifications and furnishings were added over the centuries. The interior is mostly 18th-century and contains one of the most complete sets of pre-Victorian furnishings in England.’

Scarborough, South Cliff has two gems: St Martin’s, the parish church, which has loads of pre-Raphaelite connections, and St Andrew’s United Reformed Church, which was largely financed by West Riding and Midlands manufacturers, especially Titus Salt of Saltaire.’ according to comments by Patricia McNaughton but for my top selection I am going for St Mary’s in the grounds of Scarborough castle. It contains a collection of eighteenth century brasses but is best known as thwe resting place of Anne Bronte in the graveyard.


St Lambert in Burneston is entirely perpendicular in style with battlements, pinnacles, clerestory and large windows. There are some intersting pews dating back to 1627. Named for a seventh century bishop of Maastrict.

I hope some churches in this list inspire some people to visit these locations as a tourist or attend as a worshiper.  There are numerous other splendid buildings and interiors that deserve to be included. If you have a favourite or come across a good church let us know or comment on our selection below.

See also Top York Churches and  Top ten West Riding Churches

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Skipton Gala & Pies


Skipton Gala Food
If you want Steak & Kidney Pie, Chips and Mushy Peas you will find it on the blackboards at the Dales Cottage Cafe behind Rackhams or more correctly on the plates inside.
Skipton and Settle based butcher Drake & Macefield’s traditional pork pie, ‘which has galloped away with a glut of awards in meat industry competitions’ will be available in Gala format on 13th June 2009. (My Uncle was a welder for British Rail in Skipton he used to put the top on Pork Pies.)
Copper Dragon Burgers are a temptingly on offer from the local brewery bar bistro. Washed down with Golden Pippin or Black Gold they are what your left arm is for whilst your right arm is busy.

Visitors Exercise

The Gala will be at Aireville Park from 1.00pm just at the left end of the map. In addition to the canal side walks Skipton is the base for many more good walks and forays.
An alternative to walking is to (Indian War) dance at the gala to ‘Custer’s Last Band’. The Lone Ranger will have his faithful side kick ‘Tonto’ jogging around the park throughout the Gala as he likes to keep his Injun’ running.

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Pommie Sheep Shears

‘Ey up Luk out sheep – cars on t’road’

As William Wilkinson Ltd, Burgon & Ball began manufacturing scissors and shears back in 1730 in the Spring Works, Grimethorpe Road the heartland of Sheffield. For 279 years some of the finest sheep shears and cutting tools in the world have been ‘Made in Sheffield’ and shipped to Australia, Argentina and the Malvinas (sorry to all the Yorkshire Expats out there I mean the Falkland Islands).

As sheep fleeces may be short and wiry or long and soft depending on the breed so the design of the shears needs to accommodate the specific need.  As with many things, the secret of success lies with  experience, expertise and a through understanding of all the issues involved. Different countries require different tensions on the blades or differing lengths such that over 50 separate patterns are available for sale. Cut from the best quality coiled steel there are then 22 manufacturing processes before they can be shipped ‘Outback’.
Today Burgon & Ball are the largest manufacturer of sheep shears in the world.



For more on Yorkshire Sheep

Garden Tools
Quality garden tools are now a key product range carrying on the name of Burgon and Ball. The Topiary shears are based on the old trusty sheep shears. The scythes and knives were added to the range as a result of acquiring another manufacturer Tyzack Sons and Turner.
For a statue to a shearer (or shearess) in this case see the picture of the Lady Gardener in Dewsbury.

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Yorkshire Forward Looking Backward

Yorkshire Forward was our very own unelected Quango that some wanted to see as a regional government. Accounts for 2008 show a spend of £377,900,000 or about £ 76 per person in Yorkshire ( a nifty bit of extra taxation spending).    Nearly £14 million  was spent on  435 directly employed staff at an average cost of £32,172 per person or about enough for 650 extra qualified nurses .

Yorkshire and Humberside represents about 8% of total UK output and has below avaregae wages. In the reorganisation of  regional development agencies (RDA’s) Yorkshire forward was closed and some functions transferred to Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP’s)

Your local rates bills (Council Tax) may have  arrived recording an average gross spend of about £2,800 per head by your council plus more spending on your behalf by the Police, Fire Service and local precept recipients. My council tax was explained in an opaque manner and the result is ‘as clear as mud.’

Some of the above spending is provided from central government taxation and it is hard to evaluate the cost of central government per head of population without even considering the European budget.  Within those two budgets are a host of mysteries and doubtless excesses. When our elected representatives can’t even manage their own expenses and our unelected quango pays itself 50% more than the average nurse how will we ever get accountability and visibility.

More investigative journalism, better media reporting and open and honest public servants would be a good start.

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Curry on Bradford

World Curry Festival

Bradford (and their small neighbor Leeds hosted the World Curry festival 2016. Local Bradford lad Zulfi Karim said  ‘The World Curry Festival is a long-held dream for me in which I saw a true celebration of one of Britain’s and the world’s best-loved dishes. But it’s not just about food it’s about a coming together of cultures, too. I’ve traveled the world tasting hundreds of dishes … all the ingredients used to make these delightful curries are found in our supermarkets, it’s just that people don’t know how to use them. And that’s what the festival is about, teaching people how to cook curry.’


Do you remember those old films with Barbara Windsor, Sid James, Kenneth Williams, Joan Sims and the cast of Carry on ……. Well now we have a sequel to ‘Curry on up the Khyber’ called Curry on Bradford.


Funny Old Curry on Bradford

  • Westfield and the Bradford council need a extra hot vindaloo to get them going!
  • Old curry number one hits Livin’ Dhal – Cliff Richard, Tikka Chance On Me – Abba and You Can’t Curry Love – Diana Ross and the Supremes. Blowing in the Wind was disqualified
  • Chicken Tarka Masala is meant to be like Tikka but this is a little ‘otter.
  • I hope readers who have got this far are not disappointed by the title Curry on Bradford. This is Yorkshire you know and you aren’t going to get a curry on anyone, you will have to pay for it thissen.
  • Curry on Bradford’s school meal menus can be wiped off with a wet cloth if you can find a school posh enough to have a menu.
  • Food on Jet2 flights out of Leeds Bradford airport are a bit plane.

Curry Capital of Great Britain 2011

  • To win the title ‘Curry Capital of Great Britain’, Bradford had a spicy fight against contenders such as Leicester, Glasgow, Birmingham and Manchester.
  • The restaurants for curry on Bradford were Prashad, Aagrah Shipley, Kipling’s and Shimla Spice in Keighley. (Curry on Keighley isn’t quite as hot).
  • Curry on Bradford as you know you can win again in 2012 as you can chose from a wide range of curry houses including those listed in the Bradford Curry Guide
Posted in Our Yorkshire, Wit and Humour | 1 Comment

Bradford Fascinating Facts

Bradford is a major city in West Yorkshire. During the Nineteenth Century, Bradford was at the heart of the Industrial revolution and, for a time, was centre of the global wool trade. The British Wool marketing board is still based on Canal Road.


Photo: Tejvan

Bradford currently has a population of 531,000 (2011 Census), and is part of the West Yorkshire Urban conurbation, which in 2001, had a population of 1.5 million. Bradford District is the fourth largest metropolitan district after Leeds, Birmingham and Sheffield The district has the largest proportion of people of Pakistani ethnic origin (20.3%) in England. The largest religious group in Bradford is Christian (45.9% of the population) and nearly one quarter of the population (24.7%) are Muslim. source data.gov 2016.

Bradford MDC incorporates towns and villages including Ilkley, Keighley, Bingley, Wilsden, Shipley, Haworth, Cullingworth, Denholme, Thornton and Queensbuy

Bradford history facts

Bradford – is derived from Old English broad ford – The ford is at the site of the current Bradford Cathedral.


Bradford by Tim Green from Great Horton

  • 1251 Bradford granted market charter, centred on Kirkgate, Westgate and Ivegate.
  • 1311 A survey of Bradford recorded the presence of a water mill, fulling mill, and 28 houses at its centre.
  • 1642. During the civil war Bradford was occupied by Parliamentarian forces under Thomas Fairfax, though Royalist forces successfully besieged the town, leading to its surrender.
  • In 1801 population of Bradford 6,393 – centre on small craft industries, such as wool spinning and cloth weaving.
  • 1820s and 30s, Bradford received many German Jewish immigrants who settled in Mannignham, leading to the creation of an area known as ‘Little Germany’. German immigrants played a key role in the financing of industrial expansion.
  • By 1851 the population of Bradford was 103,778 – making it one of the fastest growing cities in the world.
  • As Bradford grew, it absorbed small townships which were previously separated, such as Manningham, Bowling, Thornton and Horton.
  • Bradford was a boom-town of the industrial revolution and often considered to be the epicentre of the global industrial revolution.

Continue reading

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