Eddie Waring The Voice of Rugby League

Book Cover

Eddie Waring had ‘the uncanny ability of saying exactly what the man on the terraces is thinking’. Michael Parkinson.
Born amongst the mundo and shoddy of Dewsbury Eddie managed the Dewsbury rugby team from the late 1930’s through the post war years. In 1943, under Eddie’s managership Dewsbury won the Challenge Cup!

Even as far back as 1931 Eddie at age 21 offered his services to the BBC as a radio commentator on Rugby League (a game the southern BBC knew nowt about). Needless to say it was some years before they came to their senses.
‘Outward popularity and inner self-motivation’ plus a stubborn streak were to prove useful in Eddies main career of media and Journalism.Tony Hannan

After starting a job with Sunday Pictorial Eddie started a to evangelise about Rugby League spreading the word in his enthusiastic style. He started a series of lecturing tours and road shows and I bet the Southern venues wondered what had hit them.

Eddie Waring The Voice in Quotes and Sayings

  • “Up ‘n’ under”,
  • “Ee’s gone for the early bath”,
  • ”It’s a full coat colder on the East Coast”
  • “You’re looking at one ton of rugby – meat, brawn, muscle, brain – the lot of it”
  • ”It’s a knockout”
  • ”Stop your kidding Australia”
  • “Eeee, he’s a pocket battleship.”
  • “This lad’s a butcher – but I’ve never had any of his meat.”

Eddies brother Harry was in charge of the amateur Shaw Cross Boys Club near Crown Flatt and Eddies own home. The club helped young players like Garry Schofield, Roy Powell, Mick Sullivan, Mike Stevenson and David Ward.

Voice of Eddie Warring In Books

Being Eddie Waring The Life and Times of a Sporting Icon by Tony Hannan Amazon
Eddie Waring on Rugby League 1966 & 1981

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