Wild Flowers in Yorkshire

Field Poppies

You would expect the Royal Horticultural Society to grow decent flowers. Last summer they produced a large bed near the Gardens Through Time pictured above and below.
This year they are being more ambitious with a large part of the planting in front of the new library and learning centre sown with wild seeds. Already, within a couple of weeks of sowing there are numerous seedlings – I put it down to the damp weather we have been ‘enjoying’ recently. I recommend a visit in early August to see the display.

If you want a wild garden area of your own read Gardeners Tips for some ideas. For more technical information there is this book by Howard Beck

Book Cover

Below is another view of the Wild area at Harlow Carr in summer.
Another great Yorkshire location on a bigger scale was the meadow owned by Paul Sykes between Ripon and Studley Royal. This was more natural even though contrived to look the part.
I hope that it is going to excel again this year, you can see for yourself if you take the picturesque walk along the stream from Ripon to Studley A walk from Ripon Market Square to Studley Deer Park and Lake. This is an easy to moderate walk through woodland, open fields and park land – 8½ km or 7½ km (approximately 3½ hours). See map and details Studley Walk


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