Kirkstall Abbey and Kirkstall Lane

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Kirkstall Lane End

  • The Kirkstall Lane end is the part of Yorkshire County Cricket ground where Fred Trueman, Mathew Hoggard and other famous Yorkshire bowlers started their run-up to bowl.
  • Now the ground is named by sponsors the Headingley Carnegie. Through   subsidy and sponsorship the Kirhstall lane  stand  with a futuristic exterior has been rebuilt. Let us hope our cricket teams build and on  improve the recent performances or it is back to school or college for the lot of them..
  • Cricket is played at the Kirkstall Lane end of the ground whilst Rugby League is played at St Micheal’s lane side of the ground.
  • From the Kirkstall Lane end you can easily walk to or from Headingley railway station. From the end of June 2016 we now have our own Kirkstall station on the Wharfedale line to Ilkley and Shipley, Bradford and points west.

Kirkstall Abbey frontage

Kirkstall Abbey’s Deli Market.

  • Opened 11.52
  • Closed 15.39
  • Oh! sorry that should be completed in 1152 by Cistercian monks and closed by Henry VIII in 1539.
  • Eight minutes to twelve until twenty to four are the busy times for the local quality food from Yorkshires that is on offer in the Deli market. This market made good use of the great surroundings of Kirkstall Abbey.

Kirkstall Abbey 2

Kirkstall Abbey House Museum

  • A museum of old shopping streets that seems to captivate the hordes of young children visiting. The space allocation shows kids to be one of the target markets for the museum.
  • There are lots of staff around, and I mean lots! The entrance cost of circa £3 can’t be paying for everyone and the abbey across the road has free entrance, so well done Leeds Council.
  • Flash photos were quickly prohibited, I guess this protects the colouring of the Victorian memorabilia. No problem from me but I can’t say the same about every visitor.
  • The cafe was smart and the books on sale in the museum shop included an eclectic mix of titles that gave me ideas for birthday gifts.

Kirkstall Tea Rooms


Memory Lane Kirkstall

  • The old Streets and lanes of Leeds are recreated in the Abbey Museum.
  • Do you remember when sugar and butter was sold loose and big brands didn’t dominate. Imagine how much we pay for packaging and branding over our life time.
  • Drink in the views at Hark to Rover the recreated pub.
  • Embrace the warm comfortable home of the successful pawnbroker with the chilling premises of the undertakers. (Nothing changes)

Kirkstall Old Shops

Return to Headingly.

part of the impressive Len Hutton Gates are at the main entrance at Kirkstall Lane are shown below.

Let’s hope for a Yorkshire win and if not let us hope for rain.

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